Our qualified chemical engineer uses specialized PHAST software, which makes it possible to accurately determine the consequences of an accident involving a hazardous material.
We can therefore know the thermal radiation zones in the case of a flammable material, the toxicity levels of chemical products, the pressure effects during an explosion.
In terms of consequence studies, Prudent Consulting Group has conducted more than 200 studies for the following environments :
- Agri-food (ammonia)
- Pesticide and ammonium nitrate warehouse
- Chemical and petrochemical
- Gas (propane refueling center)
- Municipal (drinking water production)
- Recreational (arena using ammonia)
We have all the necessary expertise to produce and exercise the PUE according to the current standards and thus assure you of legislative and regulatory compliance.
Risk communication to the public is also part of our expertise gained through our work with joint municipal and industrial committees (JIMCs).